Thursday, November 28, 2019
Three Major Demographic Questions To Ask The HR Director free essay sample
List three major situational questions to ask the HRS director, explain why you are asking them and how you think the answers will contribute to the speech preparation. 1) What is the size of the audience? A. Knowing how small or large the audience is will affect your language, choice of appeals, and use of visual aids. B. The answer will contribute to the preparation because depending on the size the larger the audience, the more formal your presentation will be. 2) Ask information about the physical settings of the speech location. A.Ensuring that the physical settings will not interfere with your audiences willingness to accept your ideas or listen to you at all. B. This answer will contribute to the preparation and deliverance of the speech because you will have to work harder to adapt to these aspects of your listeners discomfort. Being prepared, your audience will see that you are energetic, alert, and involved with your topic, giving you a better chance at keeping your audience engaged. We will write a custom essay sample on Three Major Demographic Questions To Ask The HR Director or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The History of the Aeredi and their Lands
The History of the Aeredi and their Lands Free Online Research Papers Named for the title of the tome of the same name by the sage Ferenbrand. The City of Summer Stars of the Grey Olve in the Adri Forest is assailed by Ur Flan necromancers. Darnakurian forges Hunger, slays his mother and many of the Olve of the city as well as the Ur Flan. Ca. -1,400 CY: The Kingdom of Sulm thrives in the Bright Desert Ca. -1,300 CY: The Kingdom of Sulm falls in a day due to the Curse of Shattados. Ca. -1,100 CY: The Marvellous Nightingale of Queen Ehlissa the Enchanter is created. Kingdom of Ehlissa is assumed to be founded or extant about this time. Ca. -700 CY: Oeridan tribes wander the plains of central Oerik. -644 CY: Johydee of Cranden frees the Oerids from tyranny. The Aerdi begin their Great March, starting the Great Migrations of the Oeridans. -465 CY: Council of Oerdian Hetman, heeding shamanic advice, begin migrating into the Eastern Flanaess (180 OR) -458 CY: Oeridian migrations east at peak point. Oerid migrations move into Ket -447 CY: Zellif Ad-Zol, heir to the Suel Imperium, flees east with thousands of followers. While passing through the Pawluck Valley, some Suel settle, forging an alliance with indigenous Grey Olve lords. -446 CY: Commoners and a few noble houses of the Suloise move across the Harsh Pass to the east (5070 SD) -444 CY: Zellif Ad-Zol and follower settle in the Tilvanot Peninsula. -425 CY: Founding of the Scarlet Brotherhood (5091 SD). Kevelli Mauk presents his vision of the Brotherhood of the Scarlet Sign to the Suloise Council of Nobles. -422 CY: Invoked Devastation and Rain of Colourless Fire. Kevalli Mauk and the Scarlet Brotherhood flee east. -421 CY: Displaced Hobniz arrive in the Dragonshead, fleeing the upheavals of the Great Migrations and the advance of the Aerdi and Nehron into the lands north of Relmor Bay. Suel/Grey Olve Alliance in Sunndi is overrun with little difficulty by Oerid raiders. Oerids present in Sunndi soon after Rain of Colourless Fire. -419 CY: Kevelli Mauk and followers settle in the Tilvanot Penisula. The Onnwi arrive on the Dragonshead from the Pomarj and set about conquering the native Flan tribes or driving them into the Headlands. The Kingdom of Onnwal is declared. -415 CY: Aerdi first reported to have reached the western shores of the Nyr Dyv -411 CY: Death of Kevelli Mauk, Founder of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Reshnek Nes takes leadership of the Brotherhood (5105 SD) Ca. -400 CY: The Aerdi reach the Solnor Ocean. They settle the lands from the lower Flamni to the Gull Cliffs, founding the settlements of Rel Astra, Pontylver, Ountsy, Roland and Mentrey as capitals of a series of petty principalities, joined in a loose tribal confederation. The Suel House of Zelrad, driven out of the Sheldomar by the Houses Neheli and Rhola, are welcomed into the Flan Kingdom of Queen Ehlissa. They found the original town of Zelradton. Ca. -315 CY: Tuerny the Merciless is born in present day Ahlissa into the House of Cranden. -265 CY: Tuerny creates the Iron Flask of Tuerny the Merciless -243 CY: Scarlet Brotherhood defeats final remnants of rebelling Suloise Noble Houses. Scarlet Brotherhood assumes formal control of Tilvanot government, calling the peninsula The Kingdom of Shar. (5273 SD) Ca. 220 CY: Baron Lum (years before he discovered his infamous Machine) loses Druniazth (The Claw of Tharizdun) in battle against Ur Flan sorcerors near the present-day Bonewood. -217 CY: The Kingdom of Aerdy is founded, uniting the Aerdi principalities under a single banner. Lord Mikar of Garasteth is crowned Grand Prince and takes Rel Astra for his capital. [Early King of Aerdy slain by Tuerny of Cranden a tyrant and conqueror conquered vast swathes of land; pre-Aerdy commander) Tuerny was once a human wizard, one of the greatest in all history, and a feared personage in the ancient Kingdom of Aerdy. He was born over 900 years ago in the region now called Ahlissa. An archmage, fiend summoner and conqueror, he slew his own king and founded a militant, expansionist tyranny Subsequently he created the artefact that bears his name and was eventually captured in it himself (thus disappearing from history) Ca. -200 CY: Aerdy, led by Cranden and Darmen princes, conquers the crumbling Flan Kingdom of Ahlissa. Ca -175 CY: Torquann and Naelax Princes lead the conquest of the vile and decadent, dragon worshipping Flan Kingdoms in the upper reaches of the Flamni Basin between the Adri Forest and the Solnor Ocean. -171 CY: Aerdi forces wipe out a Flan tribe at the Battle of Chokestone. -143 CY: Eastfair is founded by the Naelax, who are given primacy in the North Province. Suel kingdoms south of Ahlissa in Idee and Sunndi conquered by the Aerdi in a series of brutal wars. -109 CY: The Battle of a Fortnights Length the forces of Aerdy led by House of Rax, crush the cavalry of the Nehron Oerids and their Tenha allies. The lands of Nehron, the last major independent Oerid kingdom, are absorbed into the Kingdom of Aerdy. -107 CY: The Order of the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom is founded after woodmen and farmers save the King of Aerdy from an attack by Ur-Flan insurgents on the roayl tent. After conquest of Ahlissa Aerdi rulers hear of the riches of the Iron Hills. Forge alliance with the Dwur Kingdom of the Iron Hills. After moving forces to the northern edges of the hills and commencing mining operations there, the remnants of Suel Kingdom of the Zelred (and/or perhaps the outposts of the Suel Onnwi) attack. Long and bloody war before the last Zelred settlement of Karnosa is sacked and burned. The Aerdi establish Zelradton as a military stronghold. Rauxes founded by a Cranden Grand Prince as a rival to Rel Astra. Sunndi incorporated into the South Province. -46 CY: Onnwal taken after a long and bloody war, ending with the establishment of Irongate and complete Aerdi control of the Headlands. 1 CY: Grand Prince Nasran of Cranden declares Universal Peace and is crowned as the first Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy in Rauxes. Nasran founds the See of Medegia and grants it to the Church of Pholtus (entrusting the sacred heartlands of the Aerdi into sacred hands?). The overking also appoints viceroys to oversee the administration of the expanding empire. The House of Cranden is granted the Viceroyalty of the South Province, with its capital at Zelradton. The House of Naelax gains the Viceroyalty of the North Province, based in Eastfair. The House of Rax gains the Viceroyalty of Nyrond, based in Rel Mord. Schandor draws up the Code of Laws and creates the Court of Essence 11 CY: Battle of Arrowstrand between Aerdi forces and Suel barbarians. 12 CY: Scant is founded as capital of Onnwal. 75 CY: Overking Tenmeris of Cranden, grandson of Nasran dies. His wife, Yalranda takes the title of Overqueen. Tenmeris brain as small as flatulent belly was vast Yalranda formidable diplomat and mediator; true power behind the throne; Ca. 80 CY: Old City of Eastfair rebuilt after great fire. 86 CY: Overqueen Yalranda dies young at age 40. The new Overking Manshen breaks with Aerdi tradition and takes on the House of his wife Rax-Nyrond. Overking Manshen orders the settlement of the Asperdi Isles. 97-100 CY: Quaglands of Perrenland conquered by Aerdi forces. 98 CY: Eldest son of Erhart I is killed by the orb of the hatchlings 100 CY: Viceroyalty of Ferrond is proclaimed, with Dyvers as its capital. 100-200 CY: Noontide of the Great Kingdom Archclericy of Voll becomes a vassal of the Viceroyalty of Ferrond 102 CY: The House of Garasteth lays claim to the Asperdi Isles. They are challenged by the House of Atirr. After Baron Asperdi of Atirr wins a trial of nautical skill devised by Overking Manshen, the Isles are granted to the House of Atirr. Aerdi Admiralty moved from Astra to Asperd Isle. 108 CY: In response to Frutzii attacks on the North Province, Overking Manshen orders the subdual of the lands north of the Teesar Torrent. An Aerdi army, led by Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom, masses at Knurl and sweeps northeast. Spinecastle founded in the autumn. Siege of Johnsport by Frutzii forces lifted by Aerdi relief columns. 109 CY: Massive Frutzii horde besieges Spinecastle. Frutzii are slaughtered in the Battle of the Shamblefield (Caldni Virs Charge) by Aerdi cavalry riding to the relief of the town. Vir is proclaimed Marquis of the Bone march by Overking Manshen. 122 CY: General Sir Pelgrave Ratik of Winetha ordered by Overking Toran I to subdue the lands between the Griffs and the Solnor Ocean. Ratiks host crosses the Kalmar Pass and takes Bresht in a winter campaign. He then drives the Frutzii back to the Timberway and founds Marner. 124 CY: The City of Irongate is completed. The Great Kingdom threatens to annex Urnst. 128 CY: Ratik repulses a Frutzii attack on Marner 130 CY: Pelgrave Ratik is declared Baron Ratik by Overking Toran I 134 CY: Overking Toran I deposes the House of Naelax as rulers of the North Province for their lack of support for the conquests in the Bone March and Ratik. The House of Atirr is given the title of Herzog and the capital of the province is moved to Atirr. 150 CY: First appearance of Rhennee (around Adri Forest) 155 CY: Lord Admiral Aedorich of Atirr discovers the Sinking Isle 166 CY: After the burning of the shipyards of Pontylver by the Suel pirates of Duxchan, Overking Erhart II orders the conquest of the Duxchan Isles. Lord Admiral Aedorich of Atirr leads the armada and founds the port of Dullstrand to act as its base. 167 CY: A copy of the Tome of the Scarlet Sign was delivered to Muratree, court wizard to the Malachite Throne. Lord Monduiz Dephaar of Torquann Terror of the Frutzii and later a Death Knight, born in Bellport 168 CY: The pirates of Duxchan are defeated by Aedorich at the Battle of Ganode Bay. Survivors flee to Ekul on the Tilvanot Peninsula. Sulward is founded and Oerid settlement begins. The Duxchan Isles become a fief of the South Province, ruled by the Aerdi Prince of Diren. 169 CY: Muratree and companions begin making Star Cairns in the Abbor-Alz 172 CY: The Lays of Bar Stannach vomited up by Fomorian Giant. 174 CY: Muratree dies when his attempts to transform into a lich fail. Late 180s CY: The Red Gnoll clashes 189 CY: The Urnst Senate sells the County of Urnst to the Great Kingdom. Overking Jiranen declares the County as a distinct protectorate from the rest of Urnst. 193 CY: The Duchy of Urnst is proclaimed and becomes a palatinate protectorate of the Great Kingdom 196 CY: Lady Lorana Kath of Naelax jilted by Prince Movanich of Atirr, heir to the the North Province 198 CY: Comet appears over Flanaess. Selvor the Younger prophesises an Age of Great Sorrow for the Great Kingdom. 200 CY: Leukish is constructed. More self determined rule in Ferrond. 202 CY: In reign of Overking Jiranen, Lord Nidramon of Hextorian, Knight Commander of the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom dies. The Council Gallant chooses Sir Benedor Monlath of Chathold as the new Knight Commander, over Lord Kargoth Torquann of Mansbridge. Sir Benedor defeats Lord Kargoth in a duel in the Court of Essence in Rauxes. 203 CY: Lord Kargoth Torquann of Mansbridge of the Knight Protectors becomes the first Death Knight and perverts thirteen of his fellow knights to the worship of Ahmon-Ibor (Demogorgon), transforming them into Death Knights. Arendagrost, Maw of the Abyss is released from the Temple of Lothan near Rel Deven and cuts a swath of destruction across the Great Kingdom from Rel Deven to Rauxes. The Knight Protectors slay the beast but not before several members of the royal family are slain at Carnifand. The cult of Ahmon-Ibor begins to rise in the eastern cities. Sir Rezinar of Haxx kills the Allreynen the Gripper when the archmage attempts to destroy him. 209 CY: The Death Knights Lord Maeril and Lord Farian of Naelax lead an undead army against Delaric. They are defeated by St Benedor of the Ashen Hand, who wielding the Orb of Sol destroys Lord Farian. 213 CY: Overking Jiranen of Rax dies. His son Malev auctions the Malachite Throne to his cousin, who is crowned Overking Zelchor of Rax. A total eclipse of the sun at noon on the day of Zelchors coronation heralds the beginning of the Age of Great Sorrow, as confirmed by the Royal Astrologers in Rel Astra. Zelcor distances himself from the Knight Protectors 233 CY: After the mysterious and untimely death of Herzog Movanich of Atirr, the Naelax regain the title, reportedly having bought it back from Overking Zelcor. House Atirr hounded out of existence over the the next two centuries 247 CY: Lord Kargoths citadel, Castle Fharlanst is besieged and destroyed by the Knight Protectors. The ruins stand on the Aerdi coast between Roland and Winetha 252 CY: Overking Toran II strips the See of Medegia and the office of Holy Censor from the Church of Pholtus and grants it to the Church of Zilchus, allies of the House of Rax. 254 CY: The heir to Viceroy Stinvri of Ferrond, Thrommel I, declares Ferronds independence from the Great Kingdom and is crowned as the first King of Furyondy. Nyrondese troops are drafted to crush rebellion but are repulsed with losses north of the Nyr Dyv. 283 CY: Edron of Rax-Nyrond reigns as Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy 289 CY: Farlockend builds the Hexpools in the city of the same name 313 CY: The death knights grow so powerful that they begin to prey on Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom 322 CY: Construction of Public Baths of Innspa 356 CY: Nyrond declares itself an independent kingdom under King Medven I. The invasion of Ratik, the Bone March and the North Province by Frutzii and Schnai barbarians prevents Overking Portillan from crushing the rebels. Suel barbrains are defeated. Battle of Redspan Tenha cavalry defeats an Imperial force attempting to re-establish Imperial rule over the Duchy. 359 CY: The Theocracy of the Pale is annexed by the Kingdom of Nyrond. Wintershiven is burned by Nyrondese troops. Late 4th century CY: Naelax begin using humanoid mercenaries in provisioning raids around the Adri Forest. Firan Zalââ¬â¢honan (Azal Lan), Lord of Knurl carves out a large personal kingdom for himself in the Flinty Hills, Adri and portions of the Bone March and North Province, declaring himself Wizard-King. 391 CY: The Lord of Knurl, the self-proclaimed ââ¬Å"Wizard-Kingâ⬠Firan Zalââ¬â¢honan ââ¬â better known as Azalââ¬â¢Lan ââ¬âvanishes in the depth of the Adri Forest. 392 CY: The Death Knight Lord Maeril of Naelax loses the blade Astrosus in battle with St. Ceril the Relentless. Galran of Rax-Nyrond crowned Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy a half-wit Sonnend of Rax-Nyrond crowned Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy a drunkard who left all affairs of State to his advisors 430s CY: Ivid Naelax (son of Ivenzen Naelax) becomes Herzog of the North Province. House of Atirr becomes extinct. Rulership of Atirr passes to House Torquann 434 CY: Elversford established in the Adri Forest. 437 CY: Overking Nalif of Rax is assassinated by agents of Ivid of Naelax, Herzog of the North Province. Ivid declares himself Overking. He is opposed by the House of Rax, elements of the House of Garasteth and the House of Cranden, led by Galssonan of Cranden, Herzog of the South Province. The Great Kingdom slips into the civil war known as the Turmoil Between the Crowns. The Naelax use orcs and other humanoids extensively as mercenaries for the first time. The Naelax begin hunting down members of the House of Rax, with the aid of the Death Knight, Prince Myrhal of Rax. 443 CY: Ivid I begins hunting down the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom 443-446 CY: The Malachite Throne is crafted from crystal hewn from the Cauldron of Night 446 CY: Prince Malchim III of Garastheth, Lord Mayor of Rel Astra and the House of Darmen side with Ivid, handing him victory in the civil war and the Crown of Aerdy.. Galssonan is deposed and replaced by Damanilor of Naelax as Herzog of the South Province. Damanilor invites the Lord-Mayor of Irongate and other southern leaders to Zelradton to discuss their grievances. The envoys are arrested, sent in chains to Rauxes where they are tortured for the Overkings pleasure and then publicly executed for treason and their bodies exposed in the Traitors Garden. King Dunstan I of Nyrond meets with representatives of the fiefs of the South Province in Chathold and encourages them to rebel. The South Province rises in open rebellion against Ivid. Parmus Destron deposes Naelax szek and takes his place. 447 CY: With the backing of King Dunstan I of Nyrond, Irongate, Onnwal, Idee, Sunndi and the Lordship of the Isles declare themselves independent states. Damanilor sends the Provincial Expeditionary Forces to besiege Irongate. The southern rebels crush the Imperial army at the Battle of a Thousand Banners before the walls of Irongate. Irongate, Onnwal and Idee found the Iron League. Lordship vessels seized in Prymp by Damainilor. 446-450 CY: Second wave of civil war. A nephew (Duke Astrin?) that Ivid left as steward of the North Province rebels against his uncle and establishes his fief as a sovereign state, but his rebellion is put down. The Holy Censor of Medegia defies the Overking and establishes an independent see. The Sea Barons gain control over the Aerdi fleet. Ivid closes all mainland ports to them, forcing the Barons to sue for peace. Ivid earns the title the fiend-seeing during campaigns in the heartlands of the Great Kingdom. Almor rebels. Ivid draws upon hellish aid, which assisting the Companion Guard, routs the rebels. Nyrond sends aid to the Almorians forcing the exhausted armies into stalemate along the current borders. The Prelacy of Almor gains independence 448 CY: The Lordship of the Isles join the Iron League. The Prince of Diren cedes more autonomy to his nobles. The Sea Barons granted sole authority over the navy of the Great Kingdom. Conflict begins between the Sea Barons and the Lordship of the Isles 449 CY: Rel Deven is sacked by the House of Darmen. Sack of University of Rauxes, destruction of Imperial War Records 450 CY: Second wave of civil war ends. The Celestial Houses of the Great Kingdom pay homage to Overking Ivid I who officially takes the Malachite Throne unopposed for the first time this year. In return Ivid grants palatinate status to Rel Astra, North and South Province and the See of Medegia. The See of Medegia and the office of Holy Censor passes Patriarch-General Izvestian of Hextor. Church of Hextor given primacy in the North Province under the spiritual and temporal rule of the Herzog. The House of Darmen is granted control over the Royal Guild of Merchants of Aerdy and thus over all guilds in the Great Kingdom. The Great Council of Rel Mord. King Dunstan I offers public support for the Iron League and rebukes the Great Kingdom. Nyrondese troops withdrawn from the Pale and the County of Urnst. Ivid I has Prime Remmanen of Pholtus assassinated and replaced with a doppleganger. Ivid I institutes the policy of Royal Trusts to confiscate lands of disloyal nobles and converts the Great Kingdom from an aristocracy to a dictatorship. Ivid I draws up the Sedition Proclamations to tighten central control over the affairs of the Great Kingdom, including allowing him to appoint Judges of the Sessions. The Death-Code of Eeas, a ââ¬Å"pithy listing of crimes for which execution was mandatedâ⬠is promulgated. It ââ¬Å"displays early tinges of the madness that would infect the Naelax lineâ⬠The Eldritch Lords of the Aerdi remove themselves from Rauxes to Rel Deven. 455 CY: Sunndi rebels slaughter the Aerdi forces occupying the country and drive out the loyalist Glorioles Army. Sunndi is proclaimed an independent County and joins the Iron League. 456 CY: Replacement of Prime Remmanen discovered. Office of Prime replaced by panel of three judges Patriarchs of Pholtus, Zilchus and Hextor. Ivid purges priests of Pholtus from the Judges of the Sessions. 467 CY: Ivid I claims bodies of all that die within Rauxes become possessions of the crown unless 100 gp fee for burial in Oltary Park is paid. 486 CY: Ivid I introduces the Castle Tax. 490s CY: The Death Knight Prince Myrhal of Rax wrests Myrhals Crown from the lich Hathamriz the Disaffected on an island in the Solnor Ocean. 494 CY: Ivid I dies. Ivid II of Naelax crowned Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. Unstable before his coronation, Ivid II quickly lapses into raving dementia upon assuming the full regalia of office. Ivid II commences building of Castle Rifter (completed by Ivid III) 498 CY: Ivid II slain by his son. Ivid III of Naelax crowned Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. Ivid III, exterminates his blood kin and imprisons his children in the Imperial Palace. Ivid III creates the Web spy network. 515 CY: Sinking of Duxchaner ship with a cargo of pearls and ingots worth 40,000gp: Founding of annual Windmarch fair of Kingââ¬â¢s Justice/Darnagal held during the third week of Harvester. Note: conflicts with LGG ââ¬Å"ancient festivalâ⬠Ca. 519 CY: House Highforge of Irongate find starstone (comet of 198 CY). Founding of Azak-Zil and port of Zarak in the Abbor-Alz 520-586 CY: Pirates operate along the coast of the Bright Desert, threat of piracy at peak, merchants only put to sea in small armadas accompanied by ships-of-war Ca. 523 CY: Jaran Krimeeah, Ivid IIIs Court Mage and cousin (and a scion of the Houses of Rax and Naelax), attempts a coup against the Overking. Krimeeah is exiled from the Great Kingdom after the coup is crushed. Ca. 524 CY: Mines of Azak-Zil lost to unknown forces. Ivid III, upon reaching advanced age, declares that his surviving child will succeed him. After a bloodbath of fratricide, the sole survivor becomes Ivid IV. Ivid IV of Naelax crowned Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy Ivid IV imprisons those of his children not slain at birth and their mothers monstrously tortured for the Overkings amusement. Ivid IVs reign accomplishes little, as he ââ¬Å"excelled in debauchery, not administration.â⬠Ivid IV perennially launches military campaigns to retake Almor and Nyrond and always manages only to shift the borders a few miles in either direction. 531 CY: Ahlissan forces attempt to sack Rel Deven, but are repulsed. 535 CY: Ivid IV appropriates the town of Karellford as a Royal Protectorate. 550s CY: Humanoid raids on Ratik and the Bone March increase The second of Ivid IVââ¬â¢s sons assassinates his 122 siblings. 556 CY: Overking Ivid V of Naelax is crowned after having his father, Ivid IV assassinated by his concubine. The House of Naelax-Selor is granted the title of Herzogs of the South Province. Ivid V no military genius, but a brilliant intriguer and politician; creator of the Screaming Column and the Fiend Knights of Doom (with Xaene). 557 CY: Drax of Garasteth becomes Lord-Mayor of Rel Astra. 558 CY: Scarlet Brotherhood agents encourage humanoids to raid the Bone March. (6074 SD) 560 CY: Dramatic increase in humanoid raids in Ratik and the Bone March. 561 CY: After forming a pact with Grenell Naelax, Herzog of the North Province, humanoid hordes invade and overrun the entire Bone March except for Spinecastle and Knurl. Archbaron Lexnol III of Ratik repulses humanoid invasion of Ratik. 563 CY: Orcs infiltrate and capture Spinecastle, slaughtering Marquis Clement of the Bone March and his family. 564 CY: Oerid Prince of Diren fails to produce an heir. Latmac Ranold of Duxchan is declared Prince. Ranold proposes open war against the Great Kingdom and begins bolstering the Lords navy. Reydrich of Naelax becomes Court Archmage for Herzog Chelor I of the South Province. 565 CY: Icespire on the Tusk falls under a curse. 570 CY: Reydrich seeks to become a member of the Circle of Eight, but is rejected. Oswaldon The Fat purchases the town of Carnifand. 572 CY: The fleet of the Sea Barons defeat the Lordship of the Isles at the Battle of Medegia. 573 CY: The Archmage Bigby flees Oldridge and settles in Scant. Emissaries of Scarlet Brotherhood appear in the courts of the Iron League (6088 SD). 575 CY: Herzog Chelor III of the House Naelax-Selor gains throne in South Provence 576 CY: Passing of the Millennium date predicted by Huro for the Scarlet Brotherhood, Millennialist Party begins to decline (6091 SD). Slavelords begin operations 576 ââ¬â 579 CY: Date unclear. Rakehell Chert et al thwart Iggwilv in the Isle of the Ape at Tenserââ¬â¢s behest. 577 CY: Forces of Herzog Chelor III of Naelax-Selor, under General Reynard, seize the north-eastern frontiers of Sunndi, from the confluence of the Greyflood and Thelly rivers to the meeting of the Thelly and Flamni. Frutzii raiding fleet defeated north of Asperdi Isles by the Sea Barons. Onnwalon vessels skirmish with ships of the South Province in Relmor Bay and the Sea of Gearnat. 578 CY: Onnwalon ships defeat the vessels of the Pomarji pirate Blidg Fanger near Blue and a squadron of South Province Vessels off Norland Point. Onnwalon ships raid the coasts of the South Province. The Vile Moon Tribe of Bone Marcher Orcs slaughtered by Ratik forces at the Battle of the Loftwood. Holy Censor Spidesa named Imperial Constable and sends an army of nearly 13,000 men through the Hestmark Highlands to attack Sunndi. The force meets heavy resistance in the hills from Dwur and other hill-folk. Grandwood foresters and Olve destroy a Medegian army in the southern Grandwood in the Battle of Gahrus Folly. In response Spidesa signs a pact with Drax of Rel Astra ensuring the cities independence in return for military aid against the Grandwood. Ivid dispatches an army of 12,000 into the western Grandwood to deal with insurgency there. Hurricane Ivid hits Sea Barons. Sea Barons dispatch fleet under Lord Captain Aldusc Foy to aid the North Province from the port of Bellport. A North Province army is turned back by woodsfolk at the Harp Rover at the Battle of Woodford. Grenell reinforces his troops for war against Nyrond. General Reynard takes the land between the Greyflood and Rieuwood and into the Hollow Highlands, but is ground to a stalemate. Chelor IIIs force is stopped in northern Idee by the armies of the Iron League. Raids from the Vast Swamp trouble Sunndis southern frontier, however Count Hazendel dispatches forces to the defence of Idee. Army from the Iron Hills comes to aid of beleaguered Ideean forces, but a rift develops between King Holgi Hirsute of the Dwur and Count Fedorik Eddri of Idee. Naval skirmishes between Nyrond and the Great Kingdom in Relmor Bay. Leaders of Irongate, Onnwal and the Dwur and Noniz of the Headlands meet in Killdeer and agree to aid Irongate should she be attacked, but will not otherwise become involved in human affairs. Szek Ewerd of Onnwal re-enforces his Marines and doubles the size of his Regular Army and Militia. Almor and Nyrond muster their forces for war with the Great Kingdom. 579 CY: Nyrond and Almor join the Iron League to form the Golden League. The League immediately declares war on the Great Kingdom in response to Imperial aggression in the Adri Forest, Relmor Bay, Idee and Sunndi. Alain VI of Ratik marries Evaleigh of Knurl. 579 CY-580 CY: War of the Golden League between the Golden League and the Great Kingdom. The war concludes with the Great Kingdom seeing off the attacks of the Golden League. 580 CY: Bone Marchers attempt to steal the Seal of Marner. Events of the Slavers trilogy. Slavelords reign of terror ended by heroes from states surrounding Gearnat.. 581 CY: The Plague of the Red Death sweeps the Great Kingdom. Griffith Adarian calls upon the power of the Gem of Rachleach to defeat a force of 300 raiders sent into the Adri by the Great Kingdom. Xaene, Ivids court-wizard replaced by Karoolck. Ivid proclaims the worship of Baalzy. Emasstus Carcosa, Patriarch of Pholtus, denounces Ivid as being insane and allied with fiends and is arrested for treason and subversion and executed. Church of Pholtus is looted and desecrated (except in Ahlissa and Medegia). 582 CY: The Greyhawk Wars begin. Nyrond marches against the Fists into Nutherwood, Phostwood. Fists stop Nyrondese advance at Ternsmay. 583 CY: The Greyhawk Wars: Spidasa, Holy Censor of Medegia refuses to aid Ivid V in the wars, with backing of Krennden, Patriarch of Hextor in Rel Astra and sparking the Iron Schism in the Church of Hextor. Delglath the Undying placed in charge of Rinloru. Ivid V attacks Almor, Nyrond and the Iron League. Ividââ¬â¢s Aerdi Army marches towards Chathold in Almor, Ividââ¬â¢s Northern Army enters Adri Forest near Edge Field, Grand Field Force of the South Provence marches into Iron Hills, Glorioles Army crosses the Thelly River and enters Glorioles. Pitchfield, the capital of Sunndi falls to the Glorioles Army. The Iron League receives aid secretly from the Scarlet Brotherhood. Ossons Ride begins, with Almorââ¬â¢s cavalry passing through the Thelly Forest and plunging into the South Province. Herzog Chelor moves troops from the Iron Hills east. Chelor reluctantly accepts aid from the Overking. The Aerdi army, under the Grandee Despotrix of the army, his Highness Yimdil of Jalpa, marches southwest to engage Osson. Commedant Osson defeats the Glorioles Army at the Battle of the Rieuwood and liberates Sunndi. Osson repulsed from Nulbish, but defeats Medegian forces, forcing Spidesa to flee to Rauxes where he suffers the Endless Death. The Eastern Pact of Alliance is signed in Oldred between Nyrond, Almor, Onnwal, Idee, Irongate, Sunndi, the Lordship of the Isles and the County of Urnst, pledging support against the Great Kingdom. 584 CY: Latmac Ranold is deposed by Prince Frolmar Ingerskatti of Ganode, with the backing of the Scarlet Brotherhood. The Lordship of the Isles withdraws from the Iron League and pledges its allegiance to the Scarlet Brotherhood.. Osson defeated in Medegia by Ivids armies. Pontylver and Mentrey sacked and Medegia pillaged by Aerdi forces. Leastisle falls to marauders. Almor destroyed by Ivids forces. Chathold razed in the Day of Dust. Ivid V begins revivification of general and nobles and assumes command of the Armies of Aerdy. Aerdyââ¬â¢s drive into Nyrond stops at Battle of Innspa. Ivid V assassinated but is revivified as an animus. Nyrond counterattacks Aerdyââ¬â¢s Army of the North (North Provence troops). The North Province, under Herzog Grenell of Naelax, breaks away from the Great Kingdom. Herzog Chelor III of the South Province is executed for his incompetence in the wars and replaced by Reydrich of Naelax. The Great Kingdom of Aerdy fractures into hundreds of petty states. The North Province checks Nyrondââ¬â¢s counterattack. The South Province (Ahlissa) declares independence from the Great Kingdom. The Lordship fleet blockades the Tilva Straits, and attacks Gradsul and Irongate in concert with Scarlet Brotherhood vessels Szek Ewerd Destron assassinated in Scant. Onnwal and Idee fall to the Scarlet Brotherhood. Lord Mayor Cobb Darg foils the Brotherhoods attempt to capture Irongate. Pact of Greyhawk signed bringing the Greyhawk Wars to a close. Keep of Greenkeep destroyed in the Blemu Hills. 585 CY: Nyrondese raid on Prymp. Patriarch Lassaren of Zilchus secretly flees from Rauxes to Kalstrand to avoid assassination by Ivid V. Burning of 34 farmers in the Grand Market of Scant by the Scarlet Brotherhood. Aide to Magister Vlent revealed as an agent of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Eramheh Swiftwind enters the service of Xavener of Darmen. 586 CY: Grenell of Naelax is crowned Overking of the Kingdom of Northern Aerdy, with his capital at Eastfair. Patriarch Pyrannden of Hextor declares that Ivid V is no longer Overking. Fall of Rauxes. Disappearance of Duke Szeffrin from Almor. Alain VI of Ratik is slain in an ambush while attempting to attack Spinecastle. Senior Scarlet Brotherhood Herdsmen in Onnwal and Idee are assassinated by magical means by Graf Reydrich of the South Province. Reydrich takes Idee from the Scarlet Brotherhood, but is assassinated by Tyrem of the Scarlet Brotherhood soon after. An oligarchy of Ahlissan generals including General Reynard proclaim the Kingdom of Ahlissa. Last ships to sail the Azure Sea from Rel Astra (stopped by Scarlet Brotherhood blockade). Rakehell Chert leads the Brewfest Rebellion in Onnwal, wresting control of most of the country from the Scarlet Brotherhood. Jian Destron formally declared Szek of the Free State of Onnwal in Killdeer. Sea Barons exploration fleet departs east over the Solnor Ocean. King Lynwerd of Nyrond reclaims the western portion of Almor. Lordship of the Isles vessels given permission to trade in Gryrax and Nyrond. 587 CY: Scarlet Brotherhood agents assissinate several members of Ahlissaââ¬â¢s Oligarchy. Secret meeting between surviving Oligarchs of Ahlissa and Prince Xavener in Kalstrand. The United Kingdom of Ahlissa is founded. Xavener of Darmen is crowned Overking in Kalstrand. Prince Reydrich returns and reclaims rulership of the Principality of Ahlissa (on the condition he deals with his Naelax relatives in Ahlissa). Degalath the Undying attacks the forces of the North Kingdom from Rinloru with an army of undead. Nyrond declares western Almor a Royal Protectorate. 588 CY: With the aid of Prince Reydrich of Ahlissa, Overking Xavener survives an attempted assassination attempt by disaffected Naelax nobles. Overking Xavener orders the rebuilding of the Ahlissan fleets at Prymp and Naerie. Raids by the ââ¬Å"Idee Volunteersâ⬠against Ahlissan forces in the Principality of Naerie. 589 CY: Sunndi chooses not to join the United Kingdom of Ahlissa (6104 SD). The Kingdom of Sunndi is declared, with Olvenking Hazendel the Defender as its ruler. The Solnor Compact is signed between Rel Astra, Ountsy and Roland. Sea Barons explorers return with tales of lands to the east. 590 CY: Innspa joins the United Kingdom. Xavener, expands United Kingdom of Ahlissa north into the old Great Kingdom and meets the southern expansion of Grenellââ¬â¢s southern expansion of the Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy. Administrative capitals of the Ahlissan Marchlands of the Adri and the Grandwood are moved to Innspa and Torrich respectively. Cobb Darg, Lord Mayor of Irongate, officially recognises the Jian Destron and the Free State of Onnwal. Sunndi Congress of Lords meets for the first time. Trade between Ahlissa and Nyrond, Sunndi and Irongate begins. North Kingdom forces seen on the northern borders of the Ahlissan Marchland of Rauxes. Rel Astran caravel appears in Hardby, having claimed to have circumnavigated Hepmonaland. 591 CY: Dwur miners discover 2 sixteen foot high tablets in Irongates immense undercity. Referred to now as the Khul-Ak tableaux they are thought to reveal significant information about the lands surrounding the free city in ancient times. The script has defied all attempts to decipher it. Bigby has referred to the text as unfathomably alien. A half dozen vessels are wrecked off the Bright Coast by a mysterious agency. The only survivor of the attacks is still, 2 years later, insane. Attacks sporadically still occur to this day. Delgath the Undying has grown the undead hordes infesting Rinloru, threatening to break out from the encircled city. Prince Molil enters the Adri with an army, heading for Elversford. His vanguard troops, consisting mainly of humanoid forces, were crushed at Druidââ¬â¢s Well by a quickly assembled force of foresters and adventurers. The Idee Volunteers launch a series of successful raids against Ahlissan garrisons in the Barony of Monne in Naerie. In retaliation, the Ahlissans seal off the Tomb of the Saint of Idee, leading to widespread protests among the locals and the arrest of the leading dissidents. 592 CY: A large band of Idee Volunteers are surrounded by Ahlissan forces on the edge of the Hollow Highlands. Only a few survivors escape the ensuing slaughter. The Scarlet Brotherhood launches a seaborne attack on the southern Onnwalon port of Longbridge, siezing the town for a time. Szek Jian Destron, aided by his cousin Baron Halshas Geldrenn of Silvervale, personally leads a relief force to storm and recapture the port. A daughter, Veryanna, is born to Szek Jian Destron, by his paramour, Duchess Saielma Relaster of the Storm Coast. An emmissary of Rary the Traitor appears in Szek Jianââ¬â¢s court demanding custody of Veryanna as repayment for the aid that the Traitor gave Jian in escaping the knives of the Scarlet Brotherhood in 584 CY. Szek Jian refuses. 593 CY: Turrosh Mak, Emperor of the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj, sends an army under the command of the half-euroz general Jedurek, to aid the Scarlet Brotherhood in Onnwal. An attack by the Army of Rebellion on the port of Obelton is repulsed, forcing the Onnwalons to withdraw from the western Volanots. In the autumn, a combined offensive by the Scarlet Brotherhood and the Jedurekââ¬â¢s Euroz overruns the plains of the Gildenlea, pushing the Army of Rebellion back in disarray to the towns of Sornhill and Bergardbridge. 594 CY: Scarlet Brotherhood and its Pomarji allies launch a combined attack by land and sea upon the Onnwalon strongholds of Sornhill and Killdeer. In fierce fighting on the docks of both towns, the defenders hold the line until Ahlissan naval squadrons arrive to force the withdrawal of the Brotherhood forces. The Free State of Onnwal, the Kingdom of Sunndi and the United Kingdom of Ahlissa sign the Naerie Compact. Under the terms of the treaty, Onnwal and Sunndi formally recognise Ahlissaââ¬â¢s claim on the Principlaity of Naerie and allow the Royal Guild of Merchants of Aerdy access to their markets in return for free passage of the Sunndian XIth Army to Onnwal and the cooperation of the Imperial Ahlissan Fleet against the navy of the Scarlet Brotherhood and its allies. The Army of Rebellion, in concert with the Imperial Ahlissan Navy, liberate the port of Tessakââ¬â¢s Cove. Research Papers on The History of the Aeredi and their LandsCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoBringing Democracy to AfricaThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsStandardized TestingHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayThe Spring and AutumnBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andThe Fifth Horseman
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Women in law enforcement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Women in law enforcement - Essay Example According to (Jon Felperin, 2005) in 1845, the first women to be hired by the New York City Police Department were called "matrons." In 1985, Penny Harrington of the Portland Oregon Police Department became the first female Chief of Police, Today, once the last bastion of male domination in the workplace, police organizational attitudes are finally beginning to change. And yet serious problems still remain. In 2004, women accounted for only 12.7 percent of all sworn law enforcement positions in large agencies and the numbers are declining. The percentage of sworn female officers in smaller agencies is even lower in spite of women comprising at 46.5 percent of the entire labor force. There could be many possible reasons for the decline in the number of women pursuing careers in law enforcement. Although research shows that women can be just as effective as men, uneven hiring practices, selection processes and recruitment policies keep the number of women artificially low. Often women are screened out of the selection process early on; as a result of certain entry level tests that favor upper body strength or previous life experience, such as military service. Most women never even consider a career in law enforcement to begin with, due to their misunderstanding of the nature of the job, and the aggressive and authoritarian images portrayed in the media. Once hired, however, women still face discrimination, sexual harassment, or even peer intimidation, and they often lack the necessary role models or mentors to help them move up the ranks. Many never even take promotional exams, giving first priority to family or personal relationships. All of this thwarts any efforts to recruit and retain more women, and is, in part, why numbers remain stagnant or continue to decline. And yet, recent changes in policing philosophy, emphasizing problem solving and community over intervention, have brought to light glaring inefficiencies and injustices. Widespread excessive force and corruption scandals, overwhelmingly attributed to male officers, are costing cities millions of dollars a year in lawsuit payouts. Because female officers utilize a different policing style and rely less on physical force and more on communications skills, potentially violent confrontations and are less likely to occur, or escalate into excessive force situations. Thus citizen complaints, or civil liabilities, are substantially less likely to occur. The implications of not having a representative number of female officers are clear. The under-representation of women at all levels in the modern police agency negatively impacts the culture and operational efficiency of law enforcement agencies throughout the country. Given the many difficult challenges facing modern agencies, the need to hire more women has never been more urgent. Women in law enforcement: Law enforcement has thus traditionally been regarded as a "man's job," and, while women have now been on patrol for three decades, many policemen still hold highly negative views of policewomen such as that they are physically incapable, insufficiently aggressive, too emotional, mentally weak, naive, and incapable of gaining the respect of citizens. Research has shown, however, that this is not the case: policewomen are as capable as their male counterparts, and, in many instances, better suited for police
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
How would you reduce cost and overcrowding while maintaining a system Essay
How would you reduce cost and overcrowding while maintaining a system of justice Take into account faith-based prison ministrie - Essay Example A lot of prisoners remain inside the prison for years because they cannot afford lawyers to pursue the cases or because they leave prisons only to commit more crimes and re-enter the prison thus overcrowding it. Since ââ¬Å"prison costs doubled to $24.6 billion over the past decade, and experts foresee substantial increases in the futureâ⬠(Maginnis), it is important to build faith-based prisons where faith-based programs should be offered to the prisoners. This is not only beneficial for the purification of their souls leading to less recidivism when they leave prison, but is also helpful in reducing costs because faith-based programs tend to save the taxpayers millions of operating cost while ensuring frequent parole. Hence, building faith-based prisons and implementing faith-based rehabilitation programs will reduce costs while reducing overcrowding at the same time since the convicts will most probably be better human beings while leaving the prisons reducing the crime rate and hence reducing overcrowding in prisons.
Monday, November 18, 2019
In What Circumstances Can a State Lawfully Resort to the Use of Essay
In What Circumstances Can a State Lawfully Resort to the Use of Military Force in Response to an Attack from a Non-State Actor - Essay Example Understanding the details of the circumstances as well as how one can respond to specific attacks is essential not only with the mechanics of how to respond but also with how this associates with the different effects which occur when one responds. This research study will investigate the basic regulations, exceptions and the different laws which create alternative mechanics toward responding from an attack of a non ââ¬â state actor. Legalities of Military Force Article 51 of the United Nations charter is the basic concept that identifies when one can respond to another with self ââ¬â defense. In this article, it states that if the inherent rights of the individual are attacked then there is the right to react with self defense toward the non ââ¬â state actor. However, there are also implications of international peace and security with the expectation that one will pass the attack through the UN before beginning action. The need to restore and keep international peace an d security then become important with the self ââ¬â defense and the way in which this creates a specific alternative to the international needs. While there is the ability to act with group or self ââ¬â defense, the concept of international peace and security remain as important when deciding to use military force against an individual1. The first implication which allows one to respond with self defense is if the approach is an armed attack, which makes one a victim to the attack. An armed attack is inclusive of a military attack or operation that uses force in another state. This also includes bombardment with the use of weapons, blockades of another state, an attack with armed forces, acts of aggression and mercenaries that are sent to perform military actions. Each of these instances causes one to become a victim of the actions and constitute the right to react with military force against the other state for self defense. It is noted that there are instances which do not consist of military or armed attacks, including diplomatic missions, cyber attacks, supplies of financial or intelligence resources or frontier incidences. These do not cause one to be a victim of the attack and do not justify countermeasures as they are not proportionate with the violations that occur. There are also implications that the attack must be toward territory or warships and not toward nationals or diplomats as these are not a threat to the self defense of a country2. The use of self defense and the legalities which are associated with this continue with the requirements that are met for a reaction. The first of these is the necessity, meaning that there is no alternative means of redress, such as a treaty or other form of diplomacy. The second is based on the proportionality. If there is another means of changing the process from self defense, then the attack must not be repealed and proportions need to be altered. The need to have immediacy is also a part of the regul ations with the understanding that this needs to be flexible until there is permission to move forward. It should also be noted that the actions cannot take place unless an action has already caused the state to become a victim. One cannot act preemptively before the threat or the attack occurs as there is not an understanding of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Assessing the decline of the pub industry
Assessing the decline of the pub industry The Leisure Industry is one of the major part of UK economy and has many branches. The key components of UK leisure industry includes pubs, bars, restaurants, cinemas, sport and physical recreation, arts and entertainment, countryside recreation, home based leisure and activity based leisure. Pub industry plays a vital role in community cohesion and social life in Britain and attracts millions of tourists every year. Pubs are frequently remaining few places where communities come together to socialize. Mintel Report states that in 2008 the pub sector experienced some of the toughest trading conditions because of the reasons like smoking ban, licensing laws, credit crunch, changing dining habits and cheap supermarket booze. Despite facing the tough conditions it is still on top of the UK leisure industry holding maximum share. The following report will show changing trends in UK Pub industry along with analyses articles written on Pub industry and showing data taken from Mintel UK lei sure industry review report and then exploring the Pub industry information to possible events to be included within the portfolio. Smoking Ban Since the smoking ban was introduced there has been a marked decline in number of pubs in UK. There was an expectation that smoking ban would become more appealing to a wider consumer base such as women and families. The ban has shown the rise in the food business, however the loss of frustrates smokers has not been matched by the influx of new pub goers. Between 2004 and 2007 all of the four United Kingdom legislatures voted to introduce a ban on smoking in most enclosed public places and workplaces. The bans came after considerable debate centered around the risks of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and especially on the likely impact of a ban on the hospitality industry and particularly Britains pubs. (Paraphrase It and give PUB Visiting Mintel referencing -According to an Office for National Statistics report (2008/09) on visiting pubs since smoking restrictions were introduced, by smoking status; one in four smokers went to the pub more often before the smoking ban, compa red to one in five non-smokers who go more often nowadays. Mintel Pub Visiting Report (2010) shows that while a third of consumers (32%) agree drinking outside the home is more enjoyable since the smoking ban, there are mixed reports as to whether the smoke-free laws have achieved the health benefits expected. A report by NHS Information in September 2009 stated that men over the age of 35 smoke fewer cigarettes than before the ban, but younger men have started smoking more since it was introduced. Positive findings from the report were that a third of smokers now stay at home to smoke instead of going out, resulting in adults being exposed to less second-hand smoke than before the ban. Credit Crunch, Changing Dining Habits, Higher Taxes and Cheap alcohol selling by supermarkets White (2009) states that the UK Pub industry is facing perfect storm and finding it hard to compete with cheap alcohol sold at supermarkets, a trend increasing amid the credit crunch. Mintel Report shows that pub sales declined after the increase in taxes with their new licensing laws done by government and recession which led in increase of alcohol sold at supermarkets resulting in people changing dining habits. In 2007 Pub industry earned 26000 million pounds however in 2009 UK Pub industry earning has been gone down to 24000 million pounds resulting in loss of 2000 million pounds. According to Pratten (2003) the reason for falling trade is the major changes in pattern of leisure. Home entertainment became increasingly popular with an increase in rented videos and television. When combining the greater varieties of take away food and the lower prices of alcohol at the off licenses and supermarkets, a night at home become more attractive to people and the use of licensed retail prem ises fell. Moreover people are more willing to save for foreign holidays. As shown in Figure 2.2, the value of market was showing an increase until 2007; however it dropped by 3.08 percent in 2008 and 4.76 percent in 2009. Muir (2009) states that the changing consumer taste in alcoholic beverages in one of the factor of long term decline. Beer is the mainstay of pub incomes and yet beer consumption has fallen significantly in the last thirty years as show in Figure 2. 3. The Pub Industry is also facing tough competition from alternative leisure pursuits. The relative affluence of the last decade saw a significant rise in the number of people eating out in restaurants and there was a threefold increase in the rate of new restaurant openings between 1992 and 2007. (BBC News Online 2007). According to Mintel Report (2009) there has been a sharp increase in number of live sports event attendees from 2004 to 2009. In Addition, there has also been a significant rise in cinema attendees in recent years, which reached a 38 year high in the summer of 2007(The Independent 2007). According to the figures published in BBPA Statistical handbook 2010, there was a sharp, 6% decline in total alcohol consumption in 2009, making it the fourth annual decline in five years. UK drinkers are now consuming 13% less alcohol than in 2004. UK consumption remains below the average for the EU The UK Pub licensees are also facing rising cost. Increased materials and utilities prices have been passed on by the brewers in the higher wholesale price of beer. A shortage of malting barley and rising demand for bio-fuels has seen barley prices increase faster than inflation. Packaging costs have also been driven up by rising energy prices (BBPA 2008b). Licensees have seen their own operating costs increase. For example licensees have had to spend increasing amounts on entertainment to stay competitive. A recent survey by the ALMR found that their members third largest cost was entertainment. The 2003 Licensing Act abolished the two in a bar rule which had meant that no licence was r equired for putting on two live performers. In addition many pubs rely on live football to bring people through the door and Sky television fees have continued to increase. These are calculated on the rateable value of the pub and this can be disproportionately expensive for small pubs in higher rated rural areas.(APPBG 2008). Why Pubs matter The UK Pubs act as hubs for the development of social network between local people. As per data shown in figure 3.1 by CAMRA Omnibus survey (January 2009) 36 percent of the people said that pubs were important for get together compared with local cafes and restaurants showing 20 percent and 15 percent for local shops. According to APPBG (2008) the pub industry amounts to 2 percent of national GDP and community pubs provide 350,000 full or part time jobs. Mintel (2010) latest report on Pub visiting shows that 34 pubs were closed per week which were drink led and 5 pubs were closed which were food-led between July to December 2009. According to CGA, the pub closure rate has slowed to 29 per week for the first six months of 2010. At it worse, the pub closure rate was 52 pubs per week.( Morning Advertiser 2010). In addition, government has unveiled measures to protect british pubs which include 3.3 million pounds to be spent on business support to make pubs more successful and to help communities buy into struggling premises to keep them open. Pubs will be allowed to extend into ventures including restaurants, gift shops and book shops without planning permission. (BBC News) In addition to this benefit, pubs add a great deal to UK economy and hold a highest share in UK leisure industry. As per data shown in graph below, Pub industry holds 35 % share of total leisure industry by earning 24000 million pounds in 2009 According to news published in Guardian the government would be consulting on the introduction of banning low cost alcohol sales. Report suggested that supermarkets will be banned from selling wine, beer and spirits below a national minimum price. Conclusion The UK Pub industry is more than retail business which act as a local institution for encouraging people to mix with others from different background. In recent years the pub industry has been hit hard with thousands of pubs closed due to recession, smoking ban, high rents. But in any downturn there are opportunities which are investing in an independent or managed Pub located in central place offering good variety of food and drinks along with warm and friendly environment. While the pubs remain biased towards men, pub needs to sell wine and ciders to attract women market. In addition, the steps taken by government to save pubs are a good option to invest in pub industry.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Legacy of Perceptions of Interracial Relationships as Demonstrated
The Legacy of Perceptions of Interracial Relationships as Demonstrated in Late 19th and Early 20th Century Black Literature and Events The history of interracial relationships in America is a painfully loaded issue which is still evolving in the consciousness of the 20th century. Because the first instances of sexual integration occurred under the institution of slavery, our understanding of them is necessarily beset with dominance, violence, and rape. Interracial relationships and the children they produced became another manifestation of power relationships between whites and blacks in our contorted social atmosphere. Even to the present day, interracial relationships are often looked upon as being propelled by impure motives and compounded by the social dynamics that have been inherited in our culture. Literature Events Legacy Literature Francis E.W. Harper's Iola Leroy One of the themes that is addressed by Iola Leroy is that of African Americans that can pass as white, yet reject that selfish option in order to proudly identify themselves as black. Iola Leroy, a light skinned black woman who could pass as white, has the alternative of marrying a wealthy white doctor, Dr. Gresham, and living her life as a white woman. However, although she deeply cares for him, she refuses his offer and the "comfortable" life that could have come with it. In analyzing Iola Leroy and her rejection of Dr. Gresham's proposal, the reader can come to the conclusion that it was Iola who had to deal with inner struggle, whereas Dr. Gresham was able to overlook issues of racial difference as long as Iola would not publicly admit her heritage. Dr. Gresham would have remained unaffected by the conflict she faced if she had chosen t... ...n the end, Angie goes back home to her family and Flip goes back to his wife. Lee makes direct and severe statements about interracial relationships through this film. Essentially, he argues that in the context of modern American society, interracial relationships are motivated by curiosity as a result of historical stigma. The generation just before Angie and Flip projects fear, ignorance, and violence with regard to mixed- race unions, and so the their children's response is a reactionary one. In Lee's view, it is black women that are victimized as a result of interracial relationsahips, whereas the black man realizes his mistake and asks for forgiveness, and the white woman basically persues her life as before the incident occurred. The only real change that occurs is that the latter two have satisfied their curiosity, which was all that was at stake to begin with.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Cry the Beloved Country dialectical journal Essay
ââ¬Å"Kumalo climbed into the carriage for non-Europeans, already full of the humbler people of his raceâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (43) How thereââ¬â¢s a carriage exclusively for non-Europeans is understandable at the time period that this novel is set in, but people who read this in the 21st century might think that this is odd how Europeans couldnââ¬â¢t stand to ride in the same carriage as non-Europeans. ââ¬Å"Black and white it says, black and white, though it is red and green. It is too much to understand.â⬠(47) The order it goes, black and white then red and green. It shows you that the whites are more superior because they are the sign to go, and the blacks have to stop and wait. The whites always get first word on things and blacks have to settle with that the whites left them. ââ¬Å"They talked of young criminal children and older and more dangerous criminals, of how white Johannesburg was afraid of black crime.â⬠(52) How it says ââ¬Å"black crimeâ⬠is just wrong. There is such thing as white crime too, but apparently the white people donââ¬â¢t think that white crime is just as dangerous as black crime. It shows how scared they were of people of different races and think that just because of your color you are prone to do more dangerous things. ââ¬Å"That is a pity, says Msimsngu. I am not a man for segregation, but it is a pity that we are not apart. They run trams from the centre of the city, and part is for Europeans and part for us. But we are often thrown off the trams by young hooligans. And our hooligans are ready for trouble too.â⬠(58) Itââ¬â¢s sort of sad how this is a person who doesnââ¬â¢t believe in segregation, but feels the need to be apart from the other race. When someone is being hostile towards you itââ¬â¢s not a good feeling, so of course you wouldnââ¬â¢t want to be near that individual. I think in this setting and time itââ¬â¢s understandable that someone would feel this way about being separated. Kumaloââ¬â¢s face wore the smile, the strange smile not known in other countries, of a black man when he sees one of his people helped in public by a white man, for such a thing is not lightly done. (81) It bothers me that this smile is for a deed that should be done anyway. I mean, I know itââ¬â¢s set in a time where thereââ¬â¢s segregation betweenà the different races, but seeing how I was born and raised in an era where it isnââ¬â¢t customary to ignore someone solely because of their race. Cry, the Beloved Country Dialectical Journals Theme: Fear Quote Response The small child opened the door, carefully like one who was afraid to open carelessly, the door of so important a house, and stepped timidly in.â⬠(35) Just how the girlââ¬â¢s movement is describes makes me feel scared. The words ââ¬Å"timidlyâ⬠and ââ¬Å"carelesslyâ⬠really add on to how you could picture her moving. Being a small child and going into a house that is owned by such an important person would be terrifying because if you were to accidentally break something or slip up then itââ¬â¢d be very bad. ââ¬Å"They go to Johannesburg, and there they are lost, an no one hears of them at all.â⬠(39) It sounds like Johannesburg is sucking them up and not letting them free. People might never hear from people that have gone to Johannesburg because their life was getting worse by living in Johannesburg. I would be kind of scared to go to Johannesburg because no one hears from you again. ââ¬Å"He goes carefully that he may not bump anybody, holding tightly on to his bag.â⬠(47) Heââ¬â¢s afraid that someone might try to snatch his bag. Being in an unknown place is hard for a lot of people. They hear rumors and then they get scared. Itââ¬â¢s not bad to always be careful, but it wasnââ¬â¢t just careful he was being. The young man took the pound and walked a short distance to the corner. As the turned it. Kumalo was afraid. The line moved forward and he with it, clutching his bag. And again forward, and again forward, and soon he must enter a bus, but still he had no ticket. As through the has suddenly thought of something he left he line, and walked the corner, but there was no sign of the young man.(48-49) Trusting strangers with your money isnââ¬â¢t an easy thing to do. And being in a foreign place makes it even more confusing on if you should trust anyone or not. When youââ¬â¢re poor like Kumalo was, money was very precious to you. He was taking m oney that was going to be used for clothes. Seeing someone run off with your money is something that makes you lose faith in the human race. Cry, the Beloved Country Dialectical Journals Theme: Economic Prosperity v. Loss of Values Quote Response ââ¬Å"She came here to look for her husband who was recruited for the minesâ⬠¦ She lives in Claremont, not far from here. It is one of the worst places in Johannesburgâ⬠¦ â⬠¦ that is her work, she makes and sells itâ⬠¦ These women sleep with any man for their priceâ⬠¦ She has been in prison, more than once.â⬠(53) Kumaloââ¬â¢s sister went to the big city to find her husband and it turns out that she never did. At least thatââ¬â¢s what it seems like itââ¬â¢s trying to hint at. It seems like as soon as she entered a place to be rumored as a better economic area, she lost all morals and values. This is sad really, for both Kumalo and his sister. (55) Cry, the Beloved Country Dialectical Journals Theme: Poverty Quote Response ââ¬Å"How can I use it? he said. This money was to send Absalom to St. Chadââ¬â¢sâ⬠¦ This money we have saved for that purpose will never be used for it.â⬠(38-39) Stephen feels if he were to use the money they saved for his son it wouldnââ¬â¢t be right. He also knows that if he doesnââ¬â¢t use it, it might never be used for anything at all. He doesnââ¬â¢t know where his son is because he hasnââ¬â¢t tried to contact ever since he left. ââ¬Å"Take it all, Stephen. There may be doctors, hospital, other troubles. Take it all. And take the Post Office Bookââ¬âââ¬âthere is ten pounds in itââ¬âââ¬âyou must take that also. ââ¬â I have been saving that for your stove, He said ââ¬â That cannot be helped, she said. And that other money, though we saved it for St. Chadââ¬â¢s, I had meant it for your new black clothes, and a new black hat, and new white collarsâ⬠(40) I think how Stephenââ¬â¢s wife tells him to take all the money is something that shows how much she cares about his wellà being. How they were saving it for a stove for his wife and new clothes for Stephen but his wife wanted him to take the money for their needs before their wants. Stephen needs to have enough money for anything and everything that might be thrown in his path in this journey he is about to embark on. ââ¬Å"This is a long way to go, and a lot of money to pay. And if he has to bring her back, what will that cost too?â⬠(42) Heââ¬â¢s going to this unknown city where they donââ¬â¢t know how much things are. And if his sister is gravely ill, then what? Heââ¬â¢s not going to leave her there, sheââ¬â¢s family and family always comes first. ââ¬Å"Is it wrong to ask more money? John Kumalo asks. We get little enough. It is only our share that we ask, enough to our wives and families from starvation. For we do not get enough. The Lansdown Commission said that we do not get enough. The Smit Commission said that we do not get enough.â⬠(218) Everyone is saying that John Kumalo is poor because he isnââ¬â¢t getting enough money. Heââ¬â¢s wondering if asking for money is something that is socially acceptable, even if you need it to not starve. I think that this is sort of sad because when you think about it there are people in this time of day that would ask the same question to themselves but never ask. Cry, the Beloved Country Dialectical Journals Theme: Religion Quote Response (37) I lied. This doesnââ¬â¢t work. (43) Ha. This one doesnââ¬â¢t work either >.< (51) Oh and this? FAIL. ââ¬Å"They went into a room where a table was laid, and there he met many priests, both white and black, and they sat down after grace and ate together.â⬠(51) At a time of social and political unrest, the two different races could sit together without being appalled by each otherââ¬â¢s races. I think that speaks for itself in the fact that religion is uniting the (187) Ha not this one. this one is evil. jk Cry, the Beloved Country Dialectical Journals Theme: Forgiveness Quote Response ââ¬Å"They knelt down, and he prayed, quietly so that the neighbors might not hear, and she punctuated his petitions with Amens. And when he had finished, she burst into a torrent of prayer, of self-denunciation, and urgent petition. And thus reconciled, they sat hand in hand.â⬠(61) ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ And he said to her, will you now take a fourth husband? And desperately she said, no, no, I want no husband anymore.â⬠(146) ââ¬Å" And so he laughed again, and let go her hands, and took up his hat. I shall come for you when everything is ready for the marriage. Have you clothes?â⬠(148) ââ¬Å"-I have heard you, he said. I understand what I did not understand. There is no anger in me.â⬠(214)
Friday, November 8, 2019
In the Lake of the Woods essays
In the Lake of the Woods essays In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien is a novel that shows the way the Vietnam War still holds a grip on the American psyche and some of the reasons why this is so. The novel illuminates issues that ar reflected in other literature, both fictional and non-fictional, regarding the war and its effect on those who had to fight it. The My Lai massacre is not representative of American actions in the war, but it does hold a particular place in the effect that war had on those at home, a pubic that was horrified at some of the things being done in its name. This contributed both to the end of the war and to the unfortunate way many returning veterans were treated by an unforgiving public. The story centers on John Wade, who has run for the U.S. Senate and who has lost because of the revelation that he participated in the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War. This is a secret he has hidden from his wifethe loss of trust is a key theme in this novel. Wade himself was trusted with a gun and a uniform and betrayed both by his actions. His wife trusted him, and he betrayed that trust by not telling her of his past. He has betrayed himself by hiding this issue as well, for the fact that it has been his secret has prevented him from receiving the atonement he needs in order to forgive himself. Because of his inability to come to terms with his crime, he commits that crime once again. The novel is presented in an interesting way by trying to explain the disappearance of John Wade and his wife, Kathy. Several different hypotheses are offered, but the plausible one is that John killed his wife and then went off into the woods to look for her, perhaps not remembering that he has killed her, perhaps trying only to get away. When he kills Kathy, he is reliving the My Lai massacre that has ruined his life. He also hides the fact of this new crime much as he hid his inv...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Farm Life Essays - Construction, Landscape Architecture, Lawn Care
Farm Life Essays - Construction, Landscape Architecture, Lawn Care Farm Life Farm Life Isnt Easy! Life as a farmer was by no means easy. There were a lot of problems and strains, but it had its good points. The Homestead Act passed in 1862 by Congress gave 160 free acres of prairie land to anyone who would live on it for five years. A lot of farmers also bought land from the Railroad Company so they could be close to the transcontinental railroad tracks, which made transportation better. Though the land was free, the problems nearly outweighed the advantages. The first was housing, which gave people two options. One was the sod house. Strips of sod were plowed and chopped into blocks, then laid down to start the walls. It was layered up, with packing boxes used for doors and windows. The sod was good for insulation in the winter, but they leaked badly in the rain. The second type was the dugout home. They were built exactly as it sounds. A space was dug on a bank or into a hill. Then the opening was covered with a roof of sod. True, people were living underground, but it was good protection. Other problems in the farm life include raging fires on the prairie, hailstorms that pounded down with marble-sized stones, and plagues of grasshoppers. The other strains were emotional, the major one being loneliness. There were miles between families or signs of civilization, and there was no recreation. People became crabby and restless while staying indoors for months at a time in the winter. Very few families could handle this life and moved back east before the five-year period was up. Farm life took a turn for the better with the introduction of four new inventions. The first was barbed wire, which prevented livestock from wandering off and stray animals from wandering across crops. The next was the steel windmill. This brought water up from deep underground and helped to relieve water shortages. Third, the steel plow made possible the growth of larger quantities of crops. Then there was the reaper. It cut and threshed wheat so productivity was much higher. But with these increases in productivity came a higher dependency on banks and railroads. Overall, farm life was difficult. Those who could handle it were strong, both physically and in will. Few who tried it stuck with it. If youre considering this lifestyle, think long and hard whether its worth it. NOTE: this paper was written like a newspaper article from the 1870s Bibliography Jordan, Winthrop; Greenblatt, Miriam; Bowes, John. The Americans: A History. 1994 McDougal, Little & Company, Illinois. pages 425-428.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Report style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Report style - Essay Example One of the most important target audiences would be teens and adults that embrace a healthier lifestyle, and as such it is the case that a soft drink could be developed to match the needs of this demographic. A few considerations should be made as to what people would be looking for. Should a drink be made no-calorie, mid-calorie or standard-calorie? If designing a drink around health benefits one is naturally inclined to desire a no-calorie drink however this may draw attention from consumers who are opposed to using aspartame or other non sugar based sweeteners. Moreover the company does not want to draw comparisons with their last mid calorie drink launch ââ¬ËCoke Blakâ⬠which more or less was a ultimately withdrawn from the market owing to the fact that he company had a poor marketing strategy and the product generally had a displeasing taste. In this regard the company could look to a full calorie beverage but the question remains as to how a healthy image could be promo ted? In this regard, Coca-Cola should look to creating a natural version of its drink which has all of the same properties of its current beverage but without using high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, colouring and utilizing naturally sourced ingredients. From this perspective the company can compete head on with Pepsi-Raw but it can still be promoted as a healthy alternative to most soft drinks. Why this proposal would be successful is two fold. Firstly this product satisfies a need in the market owing to the fact that most soft-drinks and energy drinks are either saturated with standard sweetning agents or with sugar substitutes where there has been very little presence of a ââ¬Ëall naturalââ¬â¢ soft drink. Moreover this product could appeal to a generation of people that are still interested in treating themselves to a soft-drink yet do not want to drink all of the related chemicals assuming an effective marketing and promotion strategy is
Friday, November 1, 2019
Oedipus Rex Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Oedipus Rex - Essay Example However, since he was predestined, one can argue that it was meant to happen, thus he was never guilty. As in the play, we see that there is freewill. It could be noted that Oedipus could pass the fight off when he was hit by the chariot instead of killing the man (who happened to be his father) but there was still the factor of predestination. He was meant to kill the King and was meant to marry his mother. There are options in which he can actually escape his fate but canââ¬â¢t because, you canââ¬â¢t escape fate. His sins two greatest sins are killing his father and marrying his mother. In present times, that is called parricide and incest. As far as we are concerned, he was provoked by the man in the chariot so that his actions can be named as defensive, even if he killed his father. The man also did not know that he hit his son and turned aggressive. So even if parricide was done, Oedipus is still innocent because it can be said that he is doing self defense. He is also inn ocent when he married his mother because he did not know that it was his mother! He was adopted and he did not know who his real parents were. If this were to happen these times, it would have to be socially sanctioned too, but not to the point where they would self-mutilate themselves (Oedipus blinding himself) or commit suicide because of humiliation.
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